Source code for mofdscribe.featurizers.topology.ph_hist

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Compute histograms of persistent images for MOFs."""
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from loguru import logger
from pymatgen.core import IMolecule, IStructure, Molecule, Structure

from mofdscribe.featurizers.base import MOFBaseFeaturizer
from mofdscribe.featurizers.utils.extend import (

from ._tda_helpers import get_diagrams_for_structure

[docs]@operates_on_imolecule @operates_on_molecule @operates_on_istructure @operates_on_structure class PHHist(MOFBaseFeaturizer): """Featurizer that computes 2D histogram of persistent images. Compute a fixed-length vector of topological descriptors for a structure by summarizing the persistence diagrams of the structure (or substructure) usimg a 2D histogram. The descriptors can be computed over the full structure or substructures of certain atom types. """ def __init__( self, atom_types: Tuple[str] = ( "C-H-N-O", "F-Cl-Br-I", "Cu-Mn-Ni-Mo-Fe-Pt-Zn-Ca-Er-Au-Cd-Co-Gd-Na-Sm-Eu-Tb-V" "-Ag-Nd-U-Ba-Ce-K-Ga-Cr-Al-Li-Sc-Ru-In-Mg-Zr-Dy-W-Yb-Y-" "Ho-Re-Be-Rb-La-Sn-Cs-Pb-Pr-Bi-Tm-Sr-Ti-Hf-Ir-Nb-Pd-Hg-" "Th-Np-Lu-Rh-Pu", ), compute_for_all_elements: bool = True, dimensions: Tuple[int] = (1, 2), min_size: int = 20, nx: int = 10, ny: int = 10, periodic: bool = False, y_axis_label: str = "persistence", normed: bool = True, no_supercell: bool = False, primitive: bool = False, alpha_weight: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the PHStats object. Args: atom_types (tuple): Atoms that are used to create substructures for which the persistent homology statistics are computed. Defaults to ( "C-H-N-O", "F-Cl-Br-I", "Cu-Mn-Ni-Mo-Fe-Pt-Zn-Ca-Er-Au-Cd-Co-Gd-Na-Sm-Eu-Tb-V-Ag-Nd-U-Ba-Ce-K-Ga- Cr-Al-Li-Sc-Ru-In-Mg-Zr-Dy-W-Yb-Y-Ho-Re-Be-Rb-La-Sn-Cs-Pb-Pr-Bi-Tm-Sr-Ti- Hf-Ir-Nb-Pd-Hg-Th-Np-Lu-Rh-Pu", ). compute_for_all_elements (bool): Compute descriptor for original structure with all atoms. Defaults to True. dimensions (Tuple[int]): Dimensions of topological features to consider. Defaults to (1, 2). min_size (int): Minimum supercell size (in Angstrom). Defaults to 20. nx (int): Number of points in the x-direction. Defaults to 10. ny (int): Number of points in the y-direction. Defaults to 10. periodic (bool): If true, then periodic Euclidean is used in the analysis (experimental!). Defaults to False. y_axis_label (str): Label for the y-axis. Can be "death" or "persistence". Defaults to "persistence". normed (bool): If true, then the histogram is normalized. Defaults to True. no_supercell (bool): If true, then the supercell is not created. Defaults to False. primitive (bool): If True, the structure is reduced to its primitive form before the descriptor is computed. Defaults to False. alpha_weight (Optional[str]): If specified, the use weighted alpha shapes, i.e., replacing the points with balls of varying radii. For instance `atomic_radius_calculated` or `van_der_waals_radius`. """ atom_types = [] if atom_types is None else atom_types self.elements = atom_types self.atom_types = ( list(atom_types) + ["all"] if compute_for_all_elements else list(atom_types) ) self.compute_for_all_elements = compute_for_all_elements self.dimensions = dimensions self.min_size = min_size self.nx = nx self.ny = ny self.periodic = periodic self.y_axis_label = y_axis_label self.normed = normed self.no_supercell = no_supercell self.alpha_weight = alpha_weight super().__init__(primitive=primitive) def _get_feature_labels(self) -> List[str]: labels = [] for atom_type in self.atom_types: for dim in self.dimensions: for nx in range(self.nx): for ny in range(self.ny): labels.append( f"phhist_{atom_type}_dim{dim}_nx{nx}_ny{ny}_{self.y_axis_label}" ) return labels
[docs] def feature_labels(self) -> List[str]: return self._get_feature_labels()
def _featurize( self, structure: Union[Structure, IStructure, Molecule, IMolecule] ) -> np.ndarray: res = get_diagrams_for_structure( structure, self.elements, self.compute_for_all_elements, self.min_size, periodic=self.periodic, no_supercell=self.no_supercell, alpha_weighting=self.alpha_weight, ) flat_results = [] for atom_type in self.atom_types: for dim in self.dimensions: dimname = f"dim{dim}" diagram = res[atom_type][dimname] if len(diagram) != 0: try: d = np.array( [[x["birth"], x["death"], x["death"] - x["birth"]] for x in diagram] ) except IndexError: logger.debug("No diagrams for atom type {}".format(atom_type)) d = np.array([[x[0], x[1], x[1] - x[0]] for x in diagram]) d = x = d[:, 0] y = d[:, 1] if self.y_axis_label == "death" else d[:, 2] hist = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=(self.nx, self.ny), density=self.normed)[0] else: hist = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny)) hist[:] = np.nan flat_results.append(hist.reshape(1, -1)) return np.hstack(flat_results).flatten()
[docs] def citations(self): return [ "@article{doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c01167," "author = {Krishnapriyan, Aditi S. and Haranczyk, Maciej and Morozov, Dmitriy}," "title = {Topological Descriptors Help Predict Guest Adsorption in Nanoporous Materials}," "journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry C}," "volume = {124}," "number = {17}," "pages = {9360-9368}," "year = {2020}," "doi = {10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c01167}," "}", ]
[docs] def implementors(self): return ["Kevin Maik Jablonka", "Aditi Krishnapriyan"]