RDKit-derived features#

Via the RDKitAdaptor class you can wrap any featurizer that works on RDKit molecules into a featurizer that operates on BUS. As an example, see how some of the featurizers below are implemented.

from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import InertialShapeFactor as InertialShapeFactor_RDKIT

class InertialShapeFactor(RDKitAdaptor):
    """Featurizer for the RDKit InertialShapeFactor descriptor."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Construct a new InertialShapeFactor featurizer."""
        super().__init__(InertialShapeFactor_RDKIT, ["inertial_shape_factor"])

    def citations(self) -> List[str]:
        return self.super().citations() + [
            "doi = {10.1002/9783527618279.ch37},"
            "url = {https://doi.org/10.1002/9783527618279.ch37},"
            "year = {2008},"
            "month = may,"
            "publisher = {Wiley-{VCH} Verlag {GmbH}},"
            "pages = {1004--1033},"
            "author = {Roberto Todeschini and Viviana Consonni},"
            "title = {Descriptors from Molecular Geometry},"
            "booktitle = {Handbook of Chemoinformatics}"

Instead of subclassing, you can also simply use the following syntax

from mofdscribe.bu.rdkitadaptor import RDKitAdaptor
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import InertialShapeFactor

my_featurizer = RDKitAdaptor(InertialShapeFactor, ["inertial_shape_factor"])

Ligand shape#

Ligand shape descriptors described by Wirth et al.
Featurizers: SphereLikeness SphereLikeness ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu

This descriptor is computed as NPR1+NPR2-1, and has been proposed by [Wirth].

Featurizers: DiskLikeness DiskLikeness ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu

This descriptor is computed as 2 - 2 * NPR2, and has been proposed by [Wirth].

Featurizers: RodLikeness RodLikeness ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu

This descriptor is computed as NPR2 - NPR1, and has been proposed by [Wirth].

Direct RDKit ports#

The following featurizers are the wrapped RDKit implementations (under the same name).

Featurizers: SpherocityIndex SpherocityIndex ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu
Featurizers: RadiusOfGyration RadiusOfGyration ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu
Featurizers: Asphericity Asphericity ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu
Featurizers: Eccentricity Eccentricity ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu
Featurizers: InertialShapeFactor InertialShapeFactor ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu
Featurizers: NPR1 NPR1 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu
Featurizers: NPR2 NPR2 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu
Featurizers: PMI1 PMI1 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu
Featurizers: PMI2 PMI2 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu
Featurizers: PMI3 PMI3 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: True
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu
Featurizers: SmartsMatchCounter SmartsMatchCounter ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: False
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu
Featurizers: AcidGroupCounter AcidGroupCounter ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: False
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu
Featurizers: BaseGroupCounter BaseGroupCounter ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
considers_geometry: False
considers_structure_graph: True
encodes_chemistry: False
scalar: True
scope: bu