Source code for mofdscribe.featurizers.chemistry.partialchargehistogram

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Partial charge histogram featurizer."""
from typing import List, Union

import numpy as np
from pymatgen.core import IStructure, Structure

from mofdscribe.featurizers.base import MOFBaseFeaturizer
from mofdscribe.featurizers.utils.eqeq import get_eqeq_charges
from mofdscribe.featurizers.utils.extend import operates_on_istructure, operates_on_structure
from mofdscribe.featurizers.utils.histogram import get_rdf

__all__ = ["PartialChargeHistogram"]

[docs]@operates_on_istructure @operates_on_structure class PartialChargeHistogram(MOFBaseFeaturizer): """Compute partial charges using the EqEq charge equilibration method [Ongari2019]_. Then derive a fix-length feature vector from the partial charges by binning charges in a histogram. """ def __init__( self, min_charge: float = -4, max_charge: float = 4, bin_size: float = 0.5, primitive: bool = False, ) -> None: """Construct a new PartialChargeHistogram featurizer. Args: min_charge (float): Minimum limit of bin grid. Defaults to -4. max_charge (float): Maximum limit of bin grid. Defaults to 4. bin_size (float): Bin size. Defaults to 0.5. primitive (bool): If True, the structure is reduced to its primitive form before the descriptor is computed. Defaults to True. """ self.min_charge = min_charge self.max_charge = max_charge self.bin_size = bin_size super().__init__(primitive=primitive) def _get_grid(self): return np.arange(self.min_charge, self.max_charge, self.bin_size)
[docs] def feature_labels(self) -> List[str]: return [f"chargehist_{val}" for val in self._get_grid()]
def _featurize(self, s: Union[Structure, IStructure]) -> np.ndarray: if isinstance(s, Structure): s = IStructure.from_sites(s.sites) _, results = get_eqeq_charges(s) hist = get_rdf(results, self.min_charge, self.max_charge, self.bin_size, None, None, False) return hist
[docs] def citations(self) -> List[str]: return [ "@article{Ongari2018," "doi = {10.1021/acs.jctc.8b00669}," "url = {}," "year = {2018}," "month = nov," "publisher = {American Chemical Society ({ACS})}," "volume = {15}," "number = {1}," "pages = {382--401}," "author = {Daniele Ongari and Peter G. Boyd and Ozge Kadioglu and " "Amber K. Mace and Seda Keskin and Berend Smit}," "title = {Evaluating Charge Equilibration Methods To Generate " "Electrostatic Fields in Nanoporous Materials}," "journal = {Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation}" "}", "@article{Wilmer2012," "doi = {10.1021/jz3008485}," "url = {}," "year = {2012}," "month = aug," "publisher = {American Chemical Society ({ACS})}," "volume = {3}," "number = {17}," "pages = {2506--2511}," "author = {Christopher E. Wilmer and Ki Chul Kim and Randall Q. Snurr}," "title = {An Extended Charge Equilibration Method}," "journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}" "}", ]
[docs] def implementors(self): return ["Kevin Maik Jablonka", "Daniele Ongari", "Christopher Wilmer"]