Source code for mofdscribe.featurizers.bu.shape_featurizer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Implement some shape featurizers from RDKit using the RDKitAdaptor."""
from typing import List

from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import NPR1 as NPR1_RDKIT
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import NPR2 as NPR2_RDKIT
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import PMI1 as PMI1_RDKIT
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import PMI2 as PMI2_RDKIT
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import PMI3 as PMI3_RDKIT
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import Asphericity as Asphericity_RDKIT
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import Eccentricity as Eccentricity_RDKIT
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import InertialShapeFactor as InertialShapeFactor_RDKIT
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import RadiusOfGyration as RadiusOfGyration_RDKIT
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import SpherocityIndex as SpherocityIndex_RDKIT

from .rdkitadaptor import RDKitAdaptor

def _rod_likeness(mol):
    """Compute the ROD-likeness of a molecule."""
    return NPR2_RDKIT(mol) - NPR1_RDKIT(mol)

def _disk_likeness(mol):
    """Compute the disk-likeness of a molecule."""
    return 2 - 2 * NPR2_RDKIT(mol)

def _sphericity(mol):
    """Compute the sphericity of a molecule."""
    return NPR1_RDKIT(mol) + NPR2_RDKIT(mol) - 1

[docs]class Asphericity(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit Asphericity descriptor.""" def __init__(self): """Construct a new Asphericity featurizer.""" super().__init__(Asphericity_RDKIT, ["asphericity"])
[docs] def citations(self) -> List[str]: return self.super().citations() + [ "@incollection{Todeschini2008," "doi = {10.1002/9783527618279.ch37}," "url = {}," "year = {2008}," "month = may," "publisher = {Wiley-{VCH} Verlag {GmbH}}," "pages = {1004--1033}," "author = {Roberto Todeschini and Viviana Consonni}," "title = {Descriptors from Molecular Geometry}," "booktitle = {Handbook of Chemoinformatics}" "}" ]
[docs]class Eccentricity(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit Eccentricity descriptor.""" def __init__(self): """Construct a new Eccentricity featurizer.""" super().__init__(Eccentricity_RDKIT, ["eccentricity"])
[docs] def citations(self) -> List[str]: return self.super().citations() + [ "@incollection{Todeschini2008," "doi = {10.1002/9783527618279.ch37}," "url = {}," "year = {2008}," "month = may," "publisher = {Wiley-{VCH} Verlag {GmbH}}," "pages = {1004--1033}," "author = {Roberto Todeschini and Viviana Consonni}," "title = {Descriptors from Molecular Geometry}," "booktitle = {Handbook of Chemoinformatics}" "}" ]
[docs]class InertialShapeFactor(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit InertialShapeFactor descriptor.""" def __init__(self): """Construct a new InertialShapeFactor featurizer.""" super().__init__(InertialShapeFactor_RDKIT, ["inertial_shape_factor"])
[docs] def citations(self) -> List[str]: return self.super().citations() + [ "@incollection{Todeschini2008," "doi = {10.1002/9783527618279.ch37}," "url = {}," "year = {2008}," "month = may," "publisher = {Wiley-{VCH} Verlag {GmbH}}," "pages = {1004--1033}," "author = {Roberto Todeschini and Viviana Consonni}," "title = {Descriptors from Molecular Geometry}," "booktitle = {Handbook of Chemoinformatics}" "}" ]
[docs]class NPR1(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit NPR1 descriptor.""" def __init__(self): """Construct a new NPR1 featurizer.""" super().__init__(NPR1_RDKIT, ["npr1"])
[docs] def citations(self) -> List[str]: return self.super().citations() + [ "@article{Sauer2003" "doi = {10.1021/ci025599w}" "url = {}" "year = {2003}" "month = mar" "publisher = {American Chemical Society ({ACS})}" "volume = {43}" "number = {3}" "pages = {987--1003}" "author = {Wolfgang H. B. Sauer and Matthias K. Schwarz}" "title = {Molecular Shape Diversity of Combinatorial Libraries:" " A Prerequisite for Broad Bioactivity}" "journal = {Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences" "" ]
[docs]class NPR2(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit NPR2 descriptor.""" def __init__(self): """Construct a new NPR2 featurizer.""" super().__init__(NPR2_RDKIT, ["npr2"])
[docs] def citations(self) -> List[str]: return self.super().citations() + [ "@article{Sauer2003" "doi = {10.1021/ci025599w}" "url = {}" "year = {2003}" "month = mar" "publisher = {American Chemical Society ({ACS})}" "volume = {43}" "number = {3}" "pages = {987--1003}" "author = {Wolfgang H. B. Sauer and Matthias K. Schwarz}" "title = {Molecular Shape Diversity of Combinatorial Libraries:" " A Prerequisite for Broad Bioactivity}" "journal = {Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences" "" ]
[docs]class PMI1(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit PMI1 descriptor.""" def __init__(self): """Construct a new PMI1 featurizer.""" super().__init__(PMI1_RDKIT, ["pmi1"])
[docs]class PMI2(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit PMI2 descriptor.""" def __init__(self): """Construct a new PMI2 featurizer.""" super().__init__(PMI2_RDKIT, ["pmi2"])
[docs]class PMI3(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit PMI3 descriptor.""" def __init__(self): """Construct a new PMI3 featurizer.""" super().__init__(PMI3_RDKIT, ["pmi3"])
[docs]class RadiusOfGyration(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit RadiusOfGyration descriptor.""" def __init__(self): """Construct a new RadiusOfGyration featurizer.""" super().__init__(RadiusOfGyration_RDKIT, ["radius_of_gyration"])
[docs] def citations(self) -> List[str]: return self.super().citations() + [ "@incollection{Todeschini2008," "doi = {10.1002/9783527618279.ch37}," "url = {}," "year = {2008}," "month = may," "publisher = {Wiley-{VCH} Verlag {GmbH}}," "pages = {1004--1033}," "author = {Roberto Todeschini and Viviana Consonni}," "title = {Descriptors from Molecular Geometry}," "booktitle = {Handbook of Chemoinformatics}" "}" ]
[docs]class SpherocityIndex(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit Spherocity Index descriptor.""" def __init__(self): """Construct a new SpherocityIndex featurizer.""" super().__init__(SpherocityIndex_RDKIT, ["spherocity"])
[docs] def citations(self) -> List[str]: return self.super().citations() + [ "@incollection{Todeschini2008," "doi = {10.1002/9783527618279.ch37}," "url = {}," "year = {2008}," "month = may," "publisher = {Wiley-{VCH} Verlag {GmbH}}," "pages = {1004--1033}," "author = {Roberto Todeschini and Viviana Consonni}," "title = {Descriptors from Molecular Geometry}," "booktitle = {Handbook of Chemoinformatics}" "}" ]
[docs]class RodLikeness(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit Rod Likeness descriptor. This descriptor is computed as NPR2 - NPR1. """ def __init__(self): """Construct a new RodLikeness featurizer.""" super().__init__(_rod_likeness, ["rod_likeness"])
[docs] def citations(self) -> List[str]: return self.super().citations() + [ "@article{Wirth2013," "doi = {10.1007/s10822-013-9659-1}," "url = {}," "year = {2013}," "month = jun," "publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}}," "volume = {27}," "number = {6}," "pages = {511--524}," "author = {Matthias Wirth and Andrea Volkamer and Vincent Zoete" " and Friedrich Rippmann and Olivier Michielin and Matthias Rarey and Wolfgang H. B. Sauer}," "title = {Protein pocket and ligand shape comparison and its application in virtual screening}," "journal = {Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design}" "}" ]
[docs]class DiskLikeness(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit Disk Likeness descriptor. This descriptor is computed as 2 - 2 * NPR2 """ def __init__(self): """Construct a new DiskLikeness featurizer.""" super().__init__(_disk_likeness, ["disk_likeness"])
[docs] def citations(self) -> List[str]: return self.super().citations() + [ "@article{Wirth2013," "doi = {10.1007/s10822-013-9659-1}," "url = {}," "year = {2013}," "month = jun," "publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}}," "volume = {27}," "number = {6}," "pages = {511--524}," "author = {Matthias Wirth and Andrea Volkamer and Vincent Zoete" " and Friedrich Rippmann and Olivier Michielin and Matthias Rarey and Wolfgang H. B. Sauer}," "title = {Protein pocket and ligand shape comparison and its application in virtual screening}," "journal = {Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design}" "}" ]
[docs]class SphereLikeness(RDKitAdaptor): """Featurizer for the RDKit Sphere Likeness descriptor. This descriptor is computed as NPR1+NPR2-1. """ def __init__(self): """Construct a new SphereLikeness featurizer.""" super().__init__(_sphericity, ["sphere_likeness"])
[docs] def citations(self) -> List[str]: return self.super().citations() + [ "@article{Wirth2013," "doi = {10.1007/s10822-013-9659-1}," "url = {}," "year = {2013}," "month = jun," "publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}}," "volume = {27}," "number = {6}," "pages = {511--524}," "author = {Matthias Wirth and Andrea Volkamer and Vincent Zoete" " and Friedrich Rippmann and Olivier Michielin and Matthias Rarey and Wolfgang H. B. Sauer}," "title = {Protein pocket and ligand shape comparison and its application in virtual screening}," "journal = {Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design}" "}" ]