Source code for mofdscribe.featurizers.bu.bu_featurizer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Compute features on the BUs and then aggregate them."""
from typing import Collection, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from matminer.featurizers.base import BaseFeaturizer
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pymatgen.core import IMolecule, IStructure, Molecule, Structure

from mofdscribe.featurizers.bu.utils import boxed_molecule
from mofdscribe.featurizers.utils import nan_array, set_operates_on
from mofdscribe.featurizers.utils.aggregators import ARRAY_AGGREGATORS

[docs]class MOFBBs(BaseModel): """Container for MOF building blocks.""" nodes: Optional[List[Union[Structure, Molecule, IStructure, IMolecule]]] linkers: Optional[List[Union[Structure, Molecule, IStructure, IMolecule]]]
# ToDo: Support `MultipleFeaturizer`s (should be ok, if we recursively call the operates_on method).
[docs]class BUFeaturizer(BaseFeaturizer): """ Compute features on the BUs and then aggregate them. This can be useful if you want to compute some features on the BUs and them aggregrate them to obtain one fixed-length feature vector for the MOF. .. warning:: Note that, currently, not all featurizers can operate on both Structures and Molecules. If you want to include featurizers that can only operate on one type (e.g. :py:obj:`~mofdscribe.bu.rdkitadaptor.RDKitAdaptor` and :py:obj:`~mofdscribe.chemistry.amd.AMD`) then you need to create two separate MOFBBs and BUFeaturizer objects. Examples: >>> from mofdscribe.bu import BUFeaturizer, MOFBBs >>> from mofdscribe.bu.rdkitadaptor import RDKitAdaptor >>> from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors3D import Asphericity >>> from pymatgen.core import Molecule >> from import BabelMolAdaptor >>> base_featurizer = RDKitAdaptor(featurizer=Asphericity, feature_labels=["asphericity"]) >>> bu_featurizer = BUFeaturizer(featurizer=base_featurizer, aggregations=("mean", "std", "min", "max")) >>> bu_featurizer.featurize( mofbbs=MOFBBs(nodes=[BabelMolAdaptor.from_string( "[CH-]1C=CC=C1.[CH-]1C=CC=C1.[Fe+2]", "smi").pymatgen_mol], linkers=[BabelMolAdaptor.from_string("CCCC", "smi").pymatgen_mol])) """ def __init__( self, featurizer: BaseFeaturizer, aggregations: Tuple[str] = ("mean", "std", "min", "max") ) -> None: """ Construct a new BUFeaturizer. Args: featurizer (BaseFeaturizer): The featurizer to use. Currently, we do not support `MultipleFeaturizer`s. Please, instead, use multiple BUFeaturizers. If you use a featurizer that is not implemented in mofdscribe (e.g. a matminer featurizer), you need to wrap using a method that describes on which data objects the featurizer can operate on. If you do not do this, we default to assuming that it operates on structures. aggregations (Tuple[str]): The aggregations to use. Must be one of :py:obj:`ARRAY_AGGREGATORS`. """ self._featurizer = featurizer self._aggregations = aggregations set_operates_on(self, featurizer)
[docs] def feature_labels(self) -> List[str]: labels = [] base_labels = self._featurizer.feature_labels() for bb in ["node", "linker"]: for aggregation in self._aggregations: for label in base_labels: labels.append(f"{bb}_{aggregation}_{label}") return labels
def _extract_bbs( self, structure: Optional[Union[Structure, IStructure]] = None, mofbbs: Optional[MOFBBs] = None, ): if structure is None and mofbbs is None: raise ValueError("You must provide a structure or mofbbs.") if structure is not None: from moffragmentor import MOF mof = MOF.from_structure(structure) fragments = mof.fragment() if self._operates_on in ("both", "molecule"): linkers = [linker.molecule for linker in fragments.linkers] nodes = [node.molecule for node in fragments.nodes] else: # create a boxed structure linkers = [boxed_molecule(linker.molecule) for linker in fragments.linkers] nodes = [boxed_molecule(node.molecule) for node in fragments.nodes] if mofbbs is not None: linkers = list(mofbbs.linkers) if mofbbs.linkers is not None else [] nodes = list(mofbbs.nodes) if mofbbs.nodes is not None else [] types = [type(node) for node in nodes] + [type(linker) for linker in linkers] if not len(set(types)) == 1: raise ValueError("All nodes and linkers must be of the same type.") this_type = types[0] if this_type in (Structure, IStructure) and self._operates_on in ("both", "structure"): # this is the simple case, we do not need to convert to molecules pass elif this_type in (Molecule, IMolecule) and self._operates_on in ("both", "molecule"): # again simple case, we do not need to convert to structures pass elif this_type in (Molecule, IMolecule) and (self._operates_on == "structure"): # we need to convert to structures nodes = [boxed_molecule(node) for node in nodes] linkers = [boxed_molecule(linker) for linker in linkers] elif this_type in (Structure, IStructure) and (self._operates_on == "molecule"): raise ValueError( "You provided structures for a featurizer that operates on molecules. " / "Cannot automatically convert to molecules from structures." ) else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected type of nodes or linkers.") return nodes, linkers
[docs] def fit( self, structures: Optional[Collection[Structure]] = None, mofbbs: Optional[Collection[MOFBBs]] = None, ) -> None: """ Fit the featurizer to the given structures. Args: structures (Collection[Structure], optional): The structures to featurize. mofbbs (Collection[MOFBBs], optional): The MOF fragments (nodes and linkers). """ all_nodes, all_linkers = [], [] if structures is not None: for structure in structures: nodes, linkers = self._extract_bbs(structure=structure) all_nodes.extend(nodes) all_linkers.extend(linkers) if mofbbs is not None: for mofbb in mofbbs: nodes, linkers = self._extract_bbs(mofbbs=mofbb) all_nodes.extend(nodes) all_linkers.extend(linkers) all_fragments = all_nodes + all_linkers
# ToDo: # - Perhaps use type dispatch instead of different keyword arguments. # (we can use fastcore or code it ourselves) # - We can also directly pass the graph to the featurizer if it want to work # on the graph.
[docs] def featurize( self, structure: Optional[Union[Structure, IStructure]] = None, mofbbs: Optional[MOFBBs] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute features on the BUs and then aggregate them. If you provide a structure, we will fragment the MOF into BUs. If you already have precomputed fragements or only want to consider a subset of the BUs, you can provide them manually via the `mofbbs` argument. If you manually provide the `mofbbs`, we will convert molecules to structures where possible. Args: structure (Union[Structure, IStructure], optional): The structure to featurize. mofbbs (MOFBBs, optional): The MOF fragments (nodes and linkers). Returns: A numpy array of features. """ # if i know what the featurizer wants, I can always cast to a structure num_features = len(self._featurizer.feature_labels()) nodes, linkers = self._extract_bbs(structure, mofbbs) linker_feats = [self._featurizer.featurize(linker) for linker in linkers] if not linker_feats: linker_feats = [nan_array(num_features)] node_feats = [self._featurizer.featurize(node) for node in nodes] if not node_feats: node_feats = [nan_array(num_features)] aggregated_linker_feats = [] for aggregation in self._aggregations: aggregated_linker_feats.extend(ARRAY_AGGREGATORS[aggregation](linker_feats, axis=0)) aggregated_linker_feats = np.array(aggregated_linker_feats) aggregated_node_feats = [] for aggregation in self._aggregations: aggregated_node_feats.extend(ARRAY_AGGREGATORS[aggregation](node_feats, axis=0)) aggregated_node_feats = np.array(aggregated_node_feats) return np.concatenate((aggregated_node_feats, aggregated_linker_feats))
[docs] def citations(self) -> List[str]: return self._featurizer.citations()
[docs] def implementors(self) -> List[str]: return self._featurizer.implementors()