Source code for mofdscribe.datasets.core_dataset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""CoRE Dataset."""
import os
from typing import Collection, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from loguru import logger

from mofdscribe.constants import MOFDSCRIBE_PYSTOW_MODULE
from mofdscribe.datasets.checks import check_all_file_exists, length_check
from mofdscribe.datasets.dataset import AbstractStructureDataset
from mofdscribe.datasets.utils import compress_dataset

__all__ = ["CoREDataset"]

[docs]class CoREDataset(AbstractStructureDataset): """Dataset of gas uptake related features for a subset of CoRE MOFs. The labels were computed by Moosavi et al. (2020) [Moosavi2020]_. The raw labels and structures can accessed also on `MaterialsCloud <>`_. To reduce the risk of data leakage, we (by default) also only keep one representative structure for a "base refcode" (i.e. the first five letters of a refcode). For instance, the base refcode for IGAHED001 is IGAHED. Structures with same base refcode but different refcodes are often different refinements, or measurements at different temperatures and hence chemically quite similar. For instance, the base refcode `UMODEH` would appear 21 times, `KEDJAG` 17 times, and `UMOYOM` 17 times in the CoRE dataset used by Moosavi et al. Additionally, we (by default) only keep one structure per "structure hash" which is an approximate graph-isomoprhism check, assuming the VESTA bond thresholds for the derivation of the structure graph (e.g. the structure graph of ULOMAL occurs 59 in the CoRE database used by Moosavi et al.). .. warning:: Even though we performed some basic sanity checks, there are currently still some structures that might chemically not be reasonable. Also, even though we only keep one structure per base refcode, there is still potential for data leakge. We urge users to still drop duplicates (or close neighbors) after featurization. If this set is used as test set, make sure to drop all overlapping entries in your training set. The years refer to the publication dates of the paper crossreferenced in the CSD entry of the structure. We excluded structures that are not deposited in the CSD. The available labels are: * 'pure_CO2_kH': Henry coefficient of CO2 obtained by Widom method in mol kg-1 Pa-1 * 'pure_CO2_widomHOA': Heat of adsorption of CO2 obtained by Widom method in * 'pure_methane_kH': Henry coefficient of methane obtained by Widom method in mol kg-1 Pa-1 * 'pure_methane_widomHOA': Heat of adsorption of methane obtained by Widom method * 'pure_uptake_CO2_298.00_15000': Pure CO2 uptake at 298.00 K and 15000 Pa in mol kg-1 * 'pure_uptake_CO2_298.00_1600000': Pure CO2 uptake at 298.00 K and 1600000 Pa in mol kg-1 * 'pure_uptake_methane_298.00_580000': Pure methane uptake at 298.00 K and 580000 Pa in mol kg-1 * 'pure_uptake_methane_298.00_6500000': Pure methane uptake at 298.00 K and 6500000 Pa in mol kg-1 * 'logKH_CO2': Logarithm of Henry coefficient of CO2 obtained by Widom method * 'logKH_CH4': Logarithm of Henry coefficient of methane obtained by Widom method * 'CH4DC': CH4 deliverable capacity in vSTP/v * 'CH4HPSTP': CH4 high pressure uptake in standard temperature and pressure in vSTP/v * 'CH4LPSTP': CH4 low pressure uptake in standard temperature and pressure in vSTP/v References: .. [Moosavi2020] Moosavi, S. M.; Nandy, A.; Jablonka, K. M.; Ongari, D.; Janet, J. P.; Boyd, P. G.; Lee, Y.; Smit, B.; Kulik, H. J. Understanding the Diversity of the Metal-Organic Framework Ecosystem. Nature Communications 2020, 11 (1), 4068. """ _files = { "v0.0.1": { "df": "", "structures": "", "expected_length": 5393, } } def __init__( self, version: str = "v0.0.1", drop_basename_duplicates: bool = True, drop_graph_duplicates: bool = True, subset: Optional[Collection[int]] = None, drop_nan: bool = True, ): """Construct an instance of the CoRE dataset. Args: version (str): version number to use. Defaults to "v0.0.1". drop_basename_duplicates (bool): If True, keep only one structure per CSD basename. Defaults to True. drop_graph_duplicates (bool): If True, keep only one structure per decorated graph hash. Defaults to True. subset (Collection[int], optional): indices of the structures to include. Defaults to None. drop_nan (bool): If True, drop rows with NaN values in features or hashes. Defaults to True. Raises: ValueError: If the provided version number is not available. """ self._drop_basename_duplicates = drop_basename_duplicates self._drop_nan = drop_nan self._drop_graph_duplicates = drop_graph_duplicates if version not in self._files: raise ValueError( f"Version {version} not available. Available versions: {list(self._files.keys())}" ) self.version = version self._structure_dir = MOFDSCRIBE_PYSTOW_MODULE.ensure_untar( "CoRE", self.version, name="structures.tar.gz", url=self._files[version]["structures"], ) self._df = pd.DataFrame( MOFDSCRIBE_PYSTOW_MODULE.ensure_json( "CoRE", self.version, name="data.json", url=self._files[version]["df"] ) ).reset_index(drop=True) compress_dataset(self._df) length_check(self._df, self._files[version]["expected_length"]) if drop_basename_duplicates: old_len = len(self._df) self._df = self._df.drop_duplicates(subset=["info.basename"]) logger.debug( f"Dropped {old_len - len(self._df)} duplicate basenames. New length {len(self._df)}" ) if drop_graph_duplicates: old_len = len(self._df) self._df = self._df.drop_duplicates(subset=["info.decorated_graph_hash"]) logger.debug( f"Dropped {old_len - len(self._df)} duplicate graphs. New length {len(self._df)}" ) self._df = self._df.reset_index(drop=True) if drop_nan: self._df.dropna( subset=[c for c in self._df.columns if c.startswith("features.")] + [c for c in self._df.columns if c.startswith("info.")], inplace=True, ) self._df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if subset is not None: self._df = self._df.iloc[subset] self._df = self._df.reset_index(drop=True) self._structures = [ os.path.join(self._structure_dir, f + ".cif") for f in self._df[""] ] check_all_file_exists(self._structures) self._years = self._df["info.year"].values self._decorated_graph_hashes = self._df["info.decorated_graph_hash"].values self._undecorated_graph_hashes = self._df["info.undecorated_graph_hash"].values self._decorated_scaffold_hashes = self._df["info.decorated_scaffold_hash"].values self._undecorated_scaffold_hashes = self._df["info.undecorated_scaffold_hash"].values self._densities = self._df["info.density"].values self._labelnames = (c for c in self._df.columns if c.startswith("outputs.")) self._featurenames = (c for c in self._df.columns if c.startswith("features.")) self._infonames = (c for c in self._df.columns if c.startswith("info."))
[docs] def get_subset(self, indices: Collection[int]) -> "AbstractStructureDataset": """Get a subset of the dataset. Args: indices (Collection[int]): indices of the structures to include. Returns: AbstractStructureDataset: a new dataset containing only the structures specified by the indices. """ return CoREDataset( version=self.version, drop_basename_duplicates=self._drop_basename_duplicates, drop_graph_duplicates=self._drop_graph_duplicates, subset=indices, drop_nan=self._drop_nan, )
@property def available_info(self) -> Tuple[str]: return self._infonames @property def available_features(self) -> Tuple[str]: return self._featurenames @property def available_labels(self) -> Tuple[str]: return self._labelnames def get_labels(self, idx: Collection[int], labelnames: Collection[str] = None) -> np.ndarray: labelnames = labelnames if labelnames is not None else self._labelnames return self._df.iloc[idx][list(labelnames)].values @property def citations(self) -> Tuple[str]: return [ "@article{Moosavi2020," "doi = {10.1038/s41467-020-17755-8}," "url = {}," "year = {2020}," "month = aug," "publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}}," "volume = {11}," "number = {1}," "author = {Seyed Mohamad Moosavi and Aditya Nandy and Kevin Maik Jablonka " "and Daniele Ongari and Jon Paul Janet and Peter G. Boyd and Yongjin Lee " "and Berend Smit and Heather J. Kulik}," "title = {Understanding the diversity of the metal-organic framework ecosystem}," "journal = {Nature Communications}" "}", "@article{Chung2019," "doi = {10.1021/acs.jced.9b00835}," "url = {}," "year = {2019}," "month = nov," "publisher = {American Chemical Society ({ACS})}," "volume = {64}," "number = {12}," "pages = {5985--5998}," "author = {Yongchul G. Chung and Emmanuel Haldoupis and Benjamin J. Bucior " "and Maciej Haranczyk and Seulchan Lee and Hongda Zhang and " "Konstantinos D. Vogiatzis and Marija Milisavljevic and Sanliang Ling " "and Jeffrey S. Camp and Ben Slater and J. Ilja Siepmann and " "David S. Sholl and Randall Q. Snurr}," "title = {Advances, Updates, and Analytics for the Computation-Ready, " "Experimental Metal{\textendash}Organic Framework Database: {CoRE} {MOF} 2019}," r"journal = {Journal of Chemical {\&}amp$\mathsemicolon$ Engineering Data}" "}", "@article{Chung2014," "doi = {10.1021/cm502594j}," "url = {}," "year = {2014}," "month = oct," "publisher = {American Chemical Society ({ACS})}," "volume = {26}," "number = {21}," "pages = {6185--6192}," "author = {Yongchul G. Chung and Jeffrey Camp and " "Maciej Haranczyk and Benjamin J. Sikora and Wojciech Bury " "and Vaiva Krungleviciute and Taner Yildirim and Omar K. Farha " "and David S. Sholl and Randall Q. Snurr}," "title = {Computation-Ready, Experimental Metal{\textendash}Organic Frameworks: " "A Tool To Enable High-Throughput Screening of Nanoporous Crystals}," "journal = {Chemistry of Materials}" "}", ]