Source code for mofdscribe.bench.logkHCO2

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""In-dataset predictions for the logarithmitic CO2 Henry coefficients"""
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from mofdscribe.datasets import CoREDataset
from mofdscribe.splitters.splitters import DensitySplitter, HashSplitter

from .mofbench import MOFBenchRegression

__all__ = ["LogkHCO2IDBench", "LogkHCO2OODBench"]

[docs]class LogkHCO2IDBench(MOFBenchRegression): """Benchmarking models for the logarithmic CO2 Henry coefficient under in-domain conditions. In-distribution implies that we use a cluster stratified splitter that ensures that the ratios of different clusters in the training and test set are the same. """ def __init__( self, model, name: str, version: Optional[str] = "v0.0.1", features: Optional[str] = None, model_type: Optional[str] = None, reference: Optional[str] = None, implementation: Optional[str] = None, debug: bool = False, patch_in_ds: bool = False, ): """Initialize the log KH CO2 interpolation benchmark. Args: model (object): The model to be benchmarked. Must implement the `fit` and `predict` methods. name (str): The name of the modeling approach. version (str, optional): Version of the dataset to use. Defaults to "v0.0.1". features (str, optional): Description of the features used in the model. Defaults to None. model_type (str, optional): Model type (e.g. Conv-Net, BERT, XGBoost). Defaults to None. reference (str, optional): Reference with more details about modeling approach. Defaults to None. implementation (str, optional): Link to implementation. Defaults to None. debug (bool): If True, use a small dataset (1% of full dataset) for debugging. Defaults to False. patch_in_ds (bool): If True, the dataset will be patched into the model class under the `ds` attribute. """ super().__init__( model, ds=CoREDataset(version), splitter=HashSplitter( CoREDataset(version), stratification_col="outputs.logKH_CO2", sample_frac=0.01 if debug else 1.0, ), target=["outputs.logKH_CO2"], task="logKH_CO2_id", k=5, version=version, features=features, name=name, model_type=model_type, reference=reference, implementation=implementation, debug=debug, patch_in_ds=patch_in_ds, )
[docs]class LogkHCO2OODBench(MOFBenchRegression): """Benchmarking models for the logarithmic CO2 Henry coefficient under "out-of-domain" conditions. "Out-of-domain" conditions means that every of the 5 training fold will only see 4 out of the 5 quantile bins. This implies that 2 runs are extrapolative and the other 3 need to "fill holes in the distribution". """ def __init__( self, model, version: Optional[str] = "v0.0.1", features: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, model_type: Optional[str] = None, reference: Optional[str] = None, implementation: Optional[str] = None, debug: bool = False, patch_in_ds: bool = False, ): """Initialize the log KH CO2 extrapolation benchmark. Args: model (object): The model to be benchmarked. Must implement the `fit` and `predict` methods. name (str): The name of the modeling approach. version (str, optional): Version of the dataset to use. Defaults to "v0.0.1". features (str, optional): Description of the features used in the model. Defaults to None. model_type (str, optional): Model type (e.g. Conv-Net, BERT, XGBoost). Defaults to None. reference (str, optional): Reference with more details about modeling approach. Defaults to None. implementation (str, optional): Link to implementation. Defaults to None. debug (bool): If True, use a small dataset (1% of full dataset) for debugging. Defaults to False. patch_in_ds (bool): If True, the dataset will be patched into the model class under the `ds` attribute. """ super().__init__( model, ds=CoREDataset(version), splitter=DensitySplitter( CoREDataset(version), sample_frac=0.01 if debug else 1.0, density_q=np.linspace(0, 1, 6), ), target=["outputs.logKH_CO2"], task="logKH_CO2_ood", k=5, version=version, features=features, name=name, model_type=model_type, reference=reference, implementation=implementation, debug=debug, patch_in_ds=patch_in_ds, )