Dummy median model#

Model card#

Feature set description#

What features are used?#

No features are used. The model only predicts the median of the data.

Why are the features informative?#


Why do the features not leak information?#

No potential for leakage from features. Since we only use the median of the training data, also no information about the labels is leaked.

Will the features be accessible in real-world test applications?#

The training set labels will be available in real-world test applications.

Data split#

Describe preprocessing steps and how data leakage is avoided#

No preprocessing has been performed.

Describe the feature selection steps and how data leakage is avoided#

No feature selection has been performed.

Describe the model selection steps and how data leakage is avoided#

No model selection has been performed.

Metric card#

Regression Metrics: dummy-median-model RduNoduaC20220809154526 ../../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
start_time: 2022-08-09 15:45:26.913479+00:00
end_time: 2022-08-09 15:45:26.925347+00:00
version: v0.0.1
features: None
name: dummy-median-model
task: BenchTaskEnum.logKH_CO2_ood
model_type: dummy
reference: None
implementation: mofdscribe
mofdscribe_version: 0.0.1-dev
mean_squared_error: 1.14
mean_absolute_error: 0.84
r2_score: -0.18
max_error: 3.19
mean_absolute_percentage_error: 0.47
top_5_in_top_5: 0
top_10_in_top_10: 0
top_50_in_top_50: 0
top_100_in_top_100: 0
top_500_in_top_500: 1
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